Wes the Sports Guy
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Father's Day gift boxes are available until June 12 at Coffee Brand Coffee. The pre-built box includes medium roast coffee, a 12oz vacuum mug, toffee brand toffee with almonds and velvety hot cocoa. You can also custom build a gift box for dad as well. Click the link to order your gift box today. https://coffeebrandcoffee.com/pages/giftboxes?ref=wes_the_sports_guy

"This league has done everything it can to not be successful. They are the perfect example of what not to do when an opportunity presents itself to be relevant for once in your existence." https://westhesportsguy.com/2024/06/08/this-league-doesnt-want-to-succeed/

Bill Walton was a great man who gave countless people lasting memories. Myself being one of them. Rest in peace Bill. https://westhesportsguy.com/2024/06/01/me-and-bill-walton/

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